Monday, November 1, 2010

Blog 7: More Brainstorming for Project 1

I've pretty much got everything I want to write together in my first essay. My approach is to write as if I am describing this to someone that cannot see. You have to write so that you are painting a picture. At first I thought that this was going to be one of my hardest classes, but now it's becoming easier now that I am grabbing the concept of what it means to write creative non-fiction.

I find that in this class i don;t write outlines for my essays. It seems easier to flow off of your memory and the exercises done in class and just let the thoughts come out onto my paper instead of making a format. This may not work for everyone else but it works pretty well for me.

I was going to try to incorporate my other cut that I got when I was in a car accident in the paper. But the paper seems to be doing well with just the one story. Although I could use a little more meat in the paper, it would just take a little more time to fill it all in.

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