Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Nashira Jackson

JMWW is an online quarterly accepting fiction, nonfiction poetry, art, and essays. This company publishes Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall issues in early January, April, July, and October, or thereabouts. They accept simultaneous work, but please notify them that your work has been accepted elsewhere. JMWW tries to respond to submissions within1-3 months, but they ask that the author does not send any more submissions than they have already sent until they get a response to the first submission; they read work year round. They ask that you please proofread your work before submitting it; note: sometimes getting someone else to do it for you is betterà” fresh eye”

-  JMWW is a great starting place to send your work for publication because they accept work written for just about anything!

- Published Work
Flash Fiction-He Her Heck By: Alexandra Chasin, Keep it Supple By: James Hannaham
Poetry-The Wings Inside Our Stomachs By: Nicelle Davis
Poetry- A Soap Opera Critic By: SL Corsua

Specific Requirements and Important Information

  • Poetry: The author can submit up to 3 poems with no limit in length. They enjoy all types of poetry but they have a preference for free-verse poetry. They also prefer poems, at this time, to highlight topics that are not often written about (I.e. 9/11, unrequited love, politics) although they are sure there is wonderful work written on these topics.
  • Fiction, Essays, Nonfiction: JMWW accepts works up to 25 pages double spaced, although 3000 words or less catches their eye. They like strong characters whose motivations are not always known but can be explained with common sense. In other words, let the reader’s mind be the judge of what this character illuminates by your writing.
  • Flash Fiction: They like their flash fiction to be under 1000 words. Suggestion: Look at Smokelong Quarterly. If they would like it, chances are they will too.
  • Artwork: Please ASK
  • Failure to comply by submission guidelines automatically results in you submission being deleted. “We hate to be hard asses, but we have spent too much time over the years asking authors which three poems of eight they would like us to consider or for a shorter fiction submission, time that could be spent reading writers who took time to read our guidelines.”
  • They do not pay for accepted works at this time

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