Monday, October 4, 2010

Brain Storming for Project 1

One Idea for a story comes from the Journal Entry about scars. I wrote two scar stories that had to do with physical appearance.

1.) When I was younger I missed a step on the concrete outside and fell down on the ground cutting my skin open on my knee. My knee was scraped down at least to the second or third layer. This was the first time I realized that people had more than one layer of skin and that we had cells and tissue. Of course at this age I did not know the right terminology. It was fascinating but more scary than anything. For the time I was looking at my knee, I know it was only for a few seconds before i started to cry, but now that i look back at it, it seems like I was looking at it forever because i remember exactly how the cell tissue looked and how slowly the blood started to seep out and how white my skin was underneath in contrast to the rest of my leg. When my mom came and picked me up, I walked back to the car with her help, but I walked back as if my leg wasn't just scraped but as if my leg was just amputated!
2.) I got into a car accident with my friend and her guy friend. We were driving on route 22 to go pick up my boyfriend at the time and a car hit us directly on the driver's side making a 90 degree angle and we got pushed off the side of the road into the parking lot of P.C. Richards. There was blood all over the place and none of us knew where it was coming from. Come to find out, it was coming from me. I had to get stitches and now I have a battle wound. Eleven months later, there was still a small piece of glass in my chin. I went back to the hospital and they took it out and threw it into the garbage before i could ask for it. I am going to sue.

Possible themes in these two stories are:

-fear in paranoia, humor, suspense
-inside vs. outside
-American Culture, the way we focus so much on beauty
-Blood inside coming out
-Not liking doctors

Explanation of themes

-fear in paranoia, humor, suspense- (story 1) this section is a core of the story. paranoia often leads to irrationality and I thought I was going to lose my mind when I saw my knee. It is humorous now because a scrape on the knee to someone my age is nothing, but the reaction of a scrape on the knee of an eight year old that has never seen an open cut before is quite humorous. The suspense is built as I see the different layers of my skin, and how they were white at first, and then turn red as my blood starts to seep out slowly.
-inside vs. outside- this is knowing the difference between the inside and outside.
(story 2) I don't like doctors and I don;t endure pain too well, so when this happened to be a combination I started to lose my mind, The entire time I was shaking, from the time we drove to the hospital,, to the time i got out of the car to get into my house.

-realization- (story 1) almost an epiphany, understanding that there are other parts to the human body.
(story 2) realizing that the blood was coming from me. Realizing that I had to face my fears and get stitches and that I had no other choice.

-American Culture- (story 1 ) one of the first things I did when I realized there was blood on my everywhere, was look down and notice that there was blood on my coach sneakers that I had just bought and worn for the first time with my hard earned money. Even after I realized that the blood was coming from me I was still more worried about my sneakers instead of my chin being cut open. This goes to show how in our culture we focus a lot on our outward looks and sometimes worry about it too much. Life, Death, or Looking good!

-blood inside coming out- (need more thinking)
-not liking doctors- (story 2) I don't like anyone that can give me bad news and essentially those people are doctors and dentists. That night I had to go to the hospital to see a doctor, and on top of that, he did not want to be there.

-Not liking doctors- (story 2) I do not like people who can give me bad news so I don't like doctors or dentists. That night I had to go to the hospital and on top of that he did not want to be there.

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